LZ-75 High Alumina Bricks Refractory Brick Refractoriness 1750℃-1790℃

High alumina refractory bricks are divided into: LZ-75, LZ-65, LZ-55, and LZ-48 (refractory degree 1750℃-1790℃) according to physical and chemical indicators. National standard. LZ-75 high alumina refractory brick refractory degree 1750℃-1790℃.

The AL2O3 content of first-grade high alumina bricks is 72%-80%. The higher the aluminum content, the higher the refractory temperature. The fire resistance is greater than 1750 degrees. LZ-75 high alumina refractory bricks have a fire resistance of 1750℃-1790℃. The softening temperature under 0.2MPA load is 1510 degrees. The bulk density is greater than 2.5g/cm3. High density and good stability. The weight of each brick reaches 4.4 KG, there are 227 bricks per ton, and they are packed in pallets.

Rongsheng Grade I High Alumina Bricks
Rongsheng Grade I High Alumina Bricks

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    Characteristics of Grade I High Alumina Bricks

    1. Good slag resistance. High alumina bricks contain more Al2O3, which is close to neutral refractory materials and can resist the erosion of acidic slag and alkaline slag. Because it contains SiO2, its ability to resist alkaline slag is weaker than its ability to resist acidic slag.
    2. High refractory resistance. The refractoriness of high alumina bricks is higher than that of clay bricks and semi-silica bricks, reaching 1750~1790℃. It is a high refractory refractory material.
    3. The softening temperature under load is high. Because high-aluminum products contain high levels of Al2O3, less impurities, and less fusible glass, their softening temperature under load is higher than that of clay bricks. However, because the mullite crystal does not form a network structure, the load-softening temperature is still not as high as that of silica brick.
    Classification of High Alumina Bricks
    Classification of High Alumina Bricks

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      The Use of Grade I High Alumina Bricks

      First-grade high alumina bricks are mainly used in the construction of blast furnaces, hot blast furnaces, electric furnace tops, reverberatory furnaces, ladles, blast furnaces, rotary kiln linings and kilns in the chemical industry. In addition, high alumina bricks can also be processed to produce open-hearth regenerative checker bricks, plugs for pouring systems, nozzle bricks, etc. according to the needs of industrial kilns. LZ-75 high alumina refractory bricks have a fire resistance of 1750℃-1790℃. High alumina refractory bricks of various shapes can also be produced and processed according to the drawings required by customers.

      Mainly used in thermal boilers, glass kilns, cement kilns, and fertilizer gas furnaces. Blast furnace, hot blast furnace, coking furnace, electric furnace, casting and steel pouring bricks, etc.

      The Use Effect of Grade I High Alumina Bricks in Industrial Kilns

      First-grade high alumina bricks are made of special-grade high alumina clinker and synthetic materials containing zirconia as raw materials. Refractory products are made by adding a certain amount of binders and additives, shaping, and firing at high temperatures. Refractory bricks LZ-75, LZ-65, LZ-55, LZ-48, refractory temperature 1750℃-1790℃.

      Advantages of first-grade high alumina bricks. It has excellent thermal shock stability, high load softening temperature, high-temperature strength, and resistance to alkali and clinker erosion. It has certain mechanical strength, high-temperature wear resistance, peeling resistance, skinning resistance, low thermal conductivity, long service life, and other characteristics.

      High alumina bricks are mainly used for lining waste incinerators, blast furnaces, hot blast furnaces, electric furnace tops, blast furnaces, reverberatory furnaces, and rotary kilns. In addition, high alumina bricks are also widely used as open-hearth regenerative checker bricks and plugs for pouring systems.

      LZ75 High Alumina Bricks from Rongsheng
      LZ75 High Alumina Bricks from Rongsheng

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        LZ55 High Alumina Refractory Bricks

        LZ55 high alumina brick is an important industrial building material. It has the advantages of high refractoriness, good wear resistance, strong impact resistance, and excellent high-temperature performance. Mainly used in high-temperature kilns and thermal equipment in steel, non-ferrous metals, petroleum, chemicals, building materials, and other industries. Its excellent performance is closely related to factors such as the selection of raw materials, the control of the production process, and the subsequent firing treatment.

        LZ55 high alumina brick is a refractory brick with high refractoriness and good wear resistance, impact resistance, and high-temperature performance. It is mainly used in high-temperature kilns and thermal equipment such as steel, nonferrous metals, petroleum, chemicals, and building materials. It is an important industrial building material.

        The production process of LZ55 high alumina bricks adopts advanced dry-pressing molding technology and is fired at high temperatures. It has the advantages of high bulk density, low porosity, low water absorption, high flexural strength, and good wear resistance. At the same time, it has good thermal stability and excellent thermal shock resistance, can be used at high temperatures for a long time, and is easy to maintain and replace.

        Arc High Alumina Bricks
        Arc High Alumina Bricks

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          In the steel industry, LZ55 high alumina bricks are widely used in high-temperature equipment such as blast furnaces, hot blast furnaces, lime kilns, and converters. Due to its excellent performance and stability, the operating efficiency and service life of the equipment can be improved. In addition, LZ55 high alumina bricks can also be used in kilns and thermal equipment in non-ferrous metals, petroleum, chemicals, building materials and other industries. It is an ideal industrial building material.

          The excellent performance of LZ55 high alumina bricks is closely related to factors such as the selection of raw materials, the control of the production process, and the subsequent firing treatment. In terms of raw materials, LZ55 high alumina bricks use high-quality raw materials, such as alumina, aluminum silicate minerals, etc. These raw materials have high refractoriness and chemical stability. In terms of production technology, LZ55 high alumina bricks adopt advanced dry-pressing molding technology and are fired at high temperatures to give them high density and strength. In the later firing process, LZ55 high alumina bricks are fired in a high-temperature tunnel kiln, giving them excellent refractoriness and stability.

          Purchase high-quality high-aluminum refractory bricks, LZ-75 high-alumina refractory bricks with a refractory resistance of 1750℃-1790℃. Please choose Rongsheng refractory material manufacturer. Rongsheng Refractory Materials Manufacturer is committed to providing high-quality refractory lining products for high-temperature industrial furnaces, customizing long-life refractory lining materials, and refractory lining solutions. Contact us to get free samples and quotes.

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